Tag Archives: arbitration

Dispute nomination statistics from the construction industry bodies

Through a combination of the data within the ‘Sixth Annual Report’ from the Construction Contracts Adjudication Service (CCAS) and the leading construction industry bodies, it is possible to gain an indication of dispute resolution activity in Ireland. Data from the CCAS, CIF, ciarb, SCSI, RIAI and EI confirms that in the last four years to […]

The Irish Branch of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators
– The early years 1981 – 1993

This year is the 40th anniversary year of the founding the Irish Branch of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators (CIArb). As a contribution to the marking of the anniversary I have just completed a book titled ‘The Irish Branch of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators – The early years 1981 – 1993.’ The book was […]

The changing profile of nomination in construction dispute resolution

The 25 July 2020 was the fourth anniversary of the enactment of the Construction Contracts Act 2013, (CCA 2013) on 25 July 2016. The activity in adjudication nomination in the first two years under the new act was understandably low. 1 In the third year to 25 July 2019 and fourth year to 25 July […]

The Virus, Disputes and Challenge under the CCA 2013.

Could it be that the ‘macob moment’ for adjudication in Ireland is now close? Following ‘Back to Work’ day on the 18th May, Ireland is starting on the journey of living with the continuing presence of Covid-19, which is unlikely to go away any time soon. We now have to face the reality of a […]